Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Always take the side roads...

Growing up, we never took the main interstate when we went on trips. We always took the side roads. You get to see so much more when you do that. Yesterday, I decided to take a side road off of I-50. I knew that I wouldn't be able to go too far because sometimes I do get lost...but about a mile and half down the road, I saw my picture of the day. Due to leaving my camera at home, I had to depend on my cell phone. It didn't turn out that good but I found the shot very interesting. Hope you all do too! 

 January 10, 2012

This is the Church of Christ south of I-50 on Smart Road outside of Lee's Summit, Mo... I love how the shadows on the tree looks like a hand with several fingers. I love the shape of the building too. Very interesting.


  1. I love your photos so far Dana!! Great idea and I hope you are able to keep up with it.
    Amy Helm

  2. I really love this picture, Dana! So great!
